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The Whiplash from USPS: Navigating Trump's New Tariffs on Chinese Shipments

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by PostoLink
The Whiplash from USPS: Navigating Trump's New Tariffs on Chinese Shipments

Recently, the United States Postal Service (USPS) stirred confusion among consumers as it first suspended and then resumed the acceptance of parcels from China and Hong Kong within a matter of hours. This chaotic turnaround resulted from President Trump's new tariffs, which eliminate the de minimis exemption that previously allowed small parcels valued under $800 to enter the U.S. without incurring import fees. ... In contrast, retail giants like Gap and H&M faced heavy import duty payments of $700 million and $205 million respectively in 2022, while companies like Shein and Temu, using the now-closed loophole, paid nothing. Regardless of the increasing costs, analysts predict a sustained demand for Chinese products, indicating that marketplaces like Shein and Temu will continue to thrive despite evolving challenges in cross-border e-commerce.

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par PostoLink

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