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Move Over, Eggs: The Rising Costs of Milk Next on the Chopping Block

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by PostoLink
Move Over, Eggs: The Rising Costs of Milk Next on the Chopping Block

As egg prices reach unprecedented levels, many consumers have found themselves questioning their purchasing habits. Grocery stores resort to limiting how many eggs one can buy, and in some extreme cases, thieves are treating them as if they were priceless Fabergé eggs. While there has been a focus on the skyrocketing costs of eggs, experts warn that milk may soon become the next major concern for consumers. Recent data indicates that milk prices have risen by nearly 50% in some regions over the past year, largely due to inflation and supply chain issues. This trend signals a growing challenge for households struggling to manage their grocery bills. For those invested in the food economy, keeping an eye on dairy prices is crucial. Read more about this evolving situation [here](https://qz.com/milk-price-apocalypse-1851757299).

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par PostoLink

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