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BroadwayCon Panels – you asked, we are serving …

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by PostoLink
BroadwayCon Panels – you asked, we are serving …

The Fairy Princess has admittedly been spending time on the clock app to get her messages out, and she has not been blogging.

Ok, Ok, Ok!

She’s had a lot on her plate. However since we in America are rolling the clock waaaay back to the 1600’s in terms of rights for everyone, and allowing billionaires free range within a house that was built by Black Americans, and since she expects we shall all be speaking Russian soon, while simultaneously being told we are NOT speaking Russian – she figured she would get back to writing.

Why? Well, frankly – when President Biden was in office, TFP did not have a concern. He was a man who had a great team of people around him, who were interested in improving lives coming out of a global pandemic. This is not the case with current man in the office, nor his under-educated minions who are making their personal cruelty, national policy.

Which is a direct challenge to Artists of all kinds.

Therefore TFP will be joining the fight like Mulan’s father, reluctantly, knowing it is here duty, but possibly she might fall on her ass because of an old injury. She has the blood of Irish protesters in her, and she is not afraid – even though perhaps she should be.

So let it be said, so let it be done.

However, before that – she has 4 – 3 she is directly moderating and curated – panels at BroadwayCon that should be heard. She will live stream them on her Instagram for those who are geographically unable to be there – and her ‘handle’ on the Insta is: @erinquill (She is also going to try and live stream on the Official Erin Quill FB page – but she only has one phone, so it depends on her “Asst” for the day)

The first panel is on Saturday Feb 8 @ 4:30pm

On Sunday Feb. 9 at 12pm

TFP will be talking with today’s hottest Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Playwrights and a Director about what it takes to get a piece to New York.

She will be talking with Director Ralph B. Peńa, and Playwrights Lisa Sanaye Dring (Sumo), Rehana Lew Mirza (Bhangin’ it) and Philip C. Chung (My Man Kono).

On Sunday Feb 9 at 2PM

Ralph B. Peña, Director
Lisa Sanaye Dring, Writer
Philip C. Chung, Writer
Rehana Lew Mirza, Writer

She will be joining the PUPPETRY ON BROADWAY panel, probably because they FELT (get it) she might have experience in this area….

And finally, on Sunday Feb 9 at 3:15pm

GONE TOO SOON: Talking with Cast Members and a Producer of TAMMY FAYE, SWEPT AWAY & LEMPIKA

Panney Wei (Producer, Lempika) Natalie Joy Johnson (Lempika), Autum Hurlbert (Tammy Faye), Nick Bailey (Tammy Faye), Rico Le Bron (Swept Away), Robert Pendilla (Swept Away)

Panney Wei, Producer Lempika
Natalie Joy Johnson, Lempika
Robert Pendilla, Dance Captain, Swept Away

As TFP said, she will try to live stream as much as she can, on the panels she is ‘in charge of’ – she has no idea about the Puppetry panel, and what will be allowed.

So that will be that, for February – and then TFP returns to teaching and directing and all the things – carrying copies of her ‘papers’ around in case she gets detained by authority figures who do not know what a mixed race American citizen looks like – because after all, they detained 3 American citizens who were simply speaking in Spanish...however, here is what she wants to say.

The cruelty that has been demonstrated in January IS the point.

The overload of ‘us’ having to fight EVERY day for the rights of our Trans friends and family IS the point.

The questioning of Americans in a bombastic way by people who have been imbued with authority and weapons IS the point.

Scaring children – specifically brown children, but all children of color – is the point.

The taking away of birthright citizenship is the point.

“Revenge investigations’ is the point – and do you know why?

All because people did not care to vote.

Forget MAGA and the hard core racists that enabled his limited win – it wasn’t ‘them’ that allowed the win – and yes, TFP said ‘allowed’.

It was the people who actively did not choose to vote that enabled this hell that we have only begun to live through. It was people who voted for Jill Stein – who never appears during the intervening years but who always mysteriously pops up right before a close election so people’s morals can vote, even though they know we have a two party system and third party voting throws away their actual chance to make a difference.

Now, does TFP – having looked at footage of speeches where it seems there was…shenanigans – think that this was a ‘true’ win?

She is pretty sure the Orange said ‘someone’ who invests in companies and takes credit for the work done, like he’s some sort of genius rather than an illegal immigrant himself (arriving on a student visa and then not attending school) – yes, he said he had ‘help’ in a public forum, but even with that ‘confession; no one it seems, is launching an investigation into that.

Because there is a convicted felon in the White House.

Regardless – we can keep our personal peace and still refuse to be intimidated by these blowhards. It is possible, and that is what TFP is going to try and do.

She may not always be successful. She may have bad days once in a while, but then she will gather her ovaries around her and get back up again – because to cow us ALL into accepting this utter chaos will not begin with her.

A few things before we go –

Congratulations to Pulitzer Prize Nominee, Performance Artist Kristina Wong on her ENGAGEMENT – may you have a long and happy life together with tons of health insurance!

Congratulations to Zach Piser on being in previews for his latest show on Broadway, playing Spencer in REDWOOD, a new musical alongside Idina Menzel.

Directed by Tina Landau – may it have a long and happy run.

We are going to move forward, we are going to see theater – we are going to go and see SUMO at The Public Theater and My Man Kono at Pan Asian Rep – we are going to advocate for one another because that is the path forward – the only one that leads us forward. We are going to go out in the neighborhood and turn GOP seats to blue and take back the House and eventually the Senate.

Sit back and listen to some show tunes if you get discouraged…it helps.

WE are going to do that, because no one person can do it alone.

You voted because you wanted the best for all of us, and you thought America was ready for the Lawyer who has always performed with distinction and dignity, but you did not realize how deep misogyny and racism lay in this country?

Well, TFP too.

She is tired too.

But she is going to keep on keeping on – and as they say in SUFFS Keep marching.

TFP out.

Source: View source

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par PostoLink

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